Our Agents South Africa Villiera National Sales orders@iwayini.co.za +27 (0)21 865 2002/3 Meridian Wine Distribution National Logistics and Distribution orders@groupmeridian.co.za 0861 113 959 International Belgium inVINity www.invinity.be Botswana Liquor & Wine Merchants Pty Ltd romarden@benju.biz Czech Republic Delta – F www.vina-jar.cz Denmark Tedeum VinF tedeum@tedeumvin.dk Europe – Online Sales Capreo www.capreo.com/en/wine-estates/villiera/ France Les Grands Chais de France www.groupegcf.com/ Hong Kong The Northeast Wines and Spirits Ltd www.northeast.com.hk Japan Alcotrade Trust Inc. www.alcotrade.com Jersey Gorey Wine Cellar www.goreywinecellar.com Kenya Mia Wines and Spirits International www.miainternational.co.ke Namibia The House of Wines www.thehouseofwines.com Poland KaapVino www.kaapvino.pl Reunion and Seychelles Veritas Exports cc www.veritasexports.com Switzerland Savinis AG www.savinis.ch The Netherlands Pallas Wines www.pallaswines.nl United Kingdom Dreyfus Ashby UK www.dreyfus-ashby.co.uk USA Spartina Imports www.spartinaimports.com USA Red Wolf Imports (Maryland) www.redwolfimports.com USA Fairest Cape Beverage Co. Inc (West Coast) www.fairestcape.net USA Cape Ardor – online sales https://wineshop.cape-ardor.com/villiera-c155.aspx Zimbabwe Crowvest Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. – The Stable Winery www.wine.co.zw